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Kardamom's avatar

How many people have you un-friended (or been un-friended by) this year?

Asked by Kardamom (33325points) November 22nd, 2017

With Donald Trump in the White House, multiple mass shootings, and Judge Roy Moore being considered for the Senate, there have been plenty of things to disagree about, with friends, relatives, and people that we barely even know.

I guess I should consider myself lucky. I’ve only been un-friended by one person (that I know of) and that was a relative who has been very volatile and hostile for a good long while. She got angry at me when I responded to another relative’s post about how many mass shootings there have been this year. I said that there have been a lot of mass shootings and I explained why I thought that was happening. My relative went ballistic, said some awful things about me, and then promptly un-friended me. It was actually kind of a relief.

I had to un-friend a person who I’ve known for almost 25 years. In most subjects, we actually agree, but she has a terrible, condescending way of “speaking” to people. She has a high falutin’ degree, and has always made it sure that everyone knows what her “position” is. That has always bothered me. But now, now that she’s retired, and on Facebook, she is very preachy, and downright rude. A few weeks back, she said something really mean to me, and I just decided that that was the day that I needed to cut her loose.

Ironically, she then messaged me demanding to know why I un-friended her. I thought it was pretty obvious, so I didn’t respond. The whole point of un-friending her was so that I wouldn’t have to deal with her any more. She doesn’t live in my same city, so there is really no chance of my ever running into her. She’s got plenty of friends, including several of my mutual friends. She doesn’t need me, so I’m not really sure why she would even care, since she clearly didn’t have much of a good opinion of me anyway.

Some of you already know that I had to un-friend the ex-husband of one of my cousins. I was only FB “friends” with him, because he is also the father and grandfather of my cousin’s grown kids, and her grandkids, so he is somewhat involved in their lives and posts pictures and stuff, but other than that, I hardly know him. One night he decided to “talk dirty” to me and kept it up after I told him to knock it off. By the way, he married to very nice lady who has no idea about any of this.

That brings my total to 3, so I guess that’s not so bad. What about you guys? How many people have you had to un-friend, or been un-friended by? Are you OK with these un-friendings?

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