Social Question

cockswain's avatar

What do you think about the pre-Superbowl interview between Bill O'Reilly and Barack Obama that is scheduled?

Asked by cockswain (15286points) January 16th, 2011

This seems….I don’t know. What do you think?

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8 Answers

filmfann's avatar

It’s funny I haven’t heard of this.
Hopefully Obama will not go soft on Blowhard Bill.

Will it be more watchable that the Bud Bowl? No.

cockswain's avatar

I just saw a commercial for it and thought it sounded ridiculous. I get the idea of trying to get the right and left false barriers broken down, or at least more transparent, but a political interview before the Superbowl?

a superbowl in which the Packers will defeat the Patriots. You heard it here first.

bkcunningham's avatar

@cockswain since it isn’t going to be my G-Men this year, I am in full support of the Packs. I’m doing so in memory of my recently deceased brother who was the biggest Packer’s fan I’ve met. He was even going to name his firstborn Bart Starr. I salute your avatar.

wundayatta's avatar

Yeah, I just saw that commercial, too. I guess you’re watching the Chicago/Seattle game.

I was thinking that O’Reilly would have to totally change his demeanor. He won’t be able to hector, deride and interrupt his interviewee. I wonder what that will do to O’Reilly in terms of how powerful he seems. If he has to be polite and respectful, I think he’ll lose most of his edge.

Of course, he could be his normal self and people will condemn him for being so disrespectful to the president. If he picks on the President, it’ll be like he’s inflaming left/right tensions. I’m sure his fans will love it, but he may turn off a lot of people that way.

I can see Obama doing this to put pressure on the right. Or because he’s a gambler. Or because he wants to counter those accusations that he won’t talk to right-leaning journalists.

Whatever. Should be interesting.

Jaxk's avatar

It should be a good interview. The last one he did with Obama was good. It gives Obama a good sized audience and will provide some interesting ares of discussion. Something that would be lacking in an interview with a Maddow or Olbermann.

bkcunningham's avatar

Well, Fox is broadcasting the Superbowl. Why wouldn’t Obama take advantage of such a large audience. This isn’t the first time O’Reilly has interviewed Obama. O’Reilly has been around for decades. This isn’t his first rodeo guys. He knows how to conduct an interview and he knows how to address the POTUS. I’m looking forward to the interview. Look at the Nielson Ratings for any given week at the cable news channels. Fox News wins everytime.

cockswain's avatar

I didn’t know they’d spoken before. I’m guessing O’Reilly will be far more civil than he was to Barney Frank for example. However, O’Reilly could end up being dickish and gain infamy as Dan Rather did for his mousey quip to Nixon that was overrated (“no mr. president, are you?”).

I’m sure the questions will be pre-screened and O’Reilly will be warned about his conduct though. I don’t really see much coming out of it. They’ll probably cruise through a bunch of issues, each stating his position, not really reaching any huge conclusion. Even when there is minor disagreement, the respective bases will just agree with their guy.

I see nothing new or groundbreaking as a result of this. Even the few Fox fans that pause to reconsider for a moment will be reprogrammed by Fox over the following several days.

Just one guy’s opinion.

josie's avatar

They are both narcissists. Should be interesting.

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