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Charles's avatar

Anybody ever try Eurocalm or other natural relaxants (other than alcohol)?

Asked by Charles (4826points) January 30th, 2012

A friend at work suggested it. I don’t drink alcohol (which is what a lot of people use to relax) but I thought this sounds like a good idea. Never tried it. (Never heard of it before an hour ago.)

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8 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

I’ve never heard of it either.

Can you tell us about it? Do you have a link to share?

JilltheTooth's avatar

I make a tea of valerian (big ingredient in Eurocalm) and scullcap and chamomile, it’s very relaxing. Go easy on the valerian (it’s the original herbal base for valium) but a little should be OK. I would recommend adding a good tasting strong ingredient, like peppermint, as well, as the valerian can be pretty bitter. Making your own tea is probably much less expensive than buying a product (if that’s a consideration) and I personally find it more relaxing to sip tea and sit quietly in order to do so than to take a cap.

Blueroses's avatar

Supplements effect individuals differently. I don’t get any effects whatsoever from valerian but 5mg of melatonin knocks me out. You probably won’t know unless you try it. If you take any regular medications, do check with your Dr. about adverse combining effects first.

jca's avatar

I am wondering if you feel anxiety, because my first thought was “why does this person need something to relax them in the first place?” Do you not get tired on your own, in the evenings? Why not a cup of milk, tea or decaf?

I never heard of Eurocalm either, before this question. However, I would be cautious taking any weird concoction that masquerades itself as a natural way to relax.

Charles's avatar

“why does this person need something to relax them in the first place?”

This is what my house sounds like every night

Next question?

incendiary_dan's avatar

I’ve had too much valerian and had no effect to bother with it again. Everyone around me has great success with it, but for me it does nothing. Skullcap, mugwort, chamomile, kava kava, and lemon balm are good.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Charles have you considered surgically removing your children’s vocal chords? That was my first thought after clicking on your link.

Paradox25's avatar

I’ve tried other natural relaxants such as java and vitamin b supplements. The vitamin b supplements seem to work to some degree for me and they made me feel more relaxed while giving me an energy boost but I don’t use supplements or vitamins anymore.

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