Meta Question

harple's avatar

If you were lucky enough to somehow acquire a fluther t-shirt, where would be the first place you'd wear it?

Asked by harple (10448points) July 12th, 2012

Disclaimer – this is just a question, and will in no way affect the outcome of any competition that may or may not me happening right now.

Would you put it on straight away and keep it on for the rest of the day, no matter what you’re doing?

Would you save it for a special occasion?

Would you hold a t-shirt party just to show it off?

Would you make it into a nightshirt, so you could keep it close to you every night????

Would you go travelling with it, taking photos in all the unusual places you end up?

What would YOU do? :-)

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38 Answers

downtide's avatar

I would put it on straight away, take a photo of myself wearing it and post it up online for all Flutherites to see.

YARNLADY's avatar

I would wear it in my house while I am on the computer. I already have a photo of my first one on the Flickr jellyshirt Action Shots

rooeytoo's avatar

I would probably get remarried in it.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’d put it on immediately, and frolic about my home joyfully, before putting a picture on Fluther.

JLeslie's avatar

Depends how it fits. If I love the fit I would probably wear it the next day to wherever I was going. Since I don’t go too many places that might be the supermarket. If I don’t like the fit I would wear it around the house or maybe to the pool.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I’d wear it to the supermarket as well. It’s most likely where I might be spotted by @JLeslie.

JLeslie's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer I didn’t even think about that. Hahahaha. Imagine it, running into each other with the shirts on. What would be really weird is if we already know each other. Have we traded photos? I don’t think so.

Judi's avatar

I’d probably wear it to yoga.

syz's avatar

I’ve worn mine all over the place, including Belize, Costa Rica, and St. John.

filmfann's avatar

After posting a picture of myself wearing it, I would save it for a high-visibility place, like an A’s game, or a visit to Pier 39.

marinelife's avatar

On my body.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I gave my fluther shirt to Alex to wear. He wore it once.

AstroChuck's avatar

Wear it everywhere- which is what I do with mine. It is getting a little ragged.

digitalimpression's avatar

I would wear it at the first annual fluther meetup in Germany (were there such a thing).

erichw1504's avatar

At the next nekked pancake party… oh wait…

jca's avatar

I’d wear it to a Fluther party, where I hope to go one day to meet all my Fluther Friends!

gailcalled's avatar

I’ve worn mine everywhere; it is long-sleeved and a nice navy blue. With pj bottoms, it completes my lounging outfit; with jeans and sneakers, it works well at the food coop.

With hoop earrings and chinos, it can go anywhere around here. I get compliments and queries when I wear it in public.

ucme's avatar

I’d tear it up & use it for cleaning rags & such like, innovation is key.

erichw1504's avatar

To my wedding.

bookish1's avatar

I’d wear it anywhere in Paris, and I’d still feel like the frumpiest American ever :-p

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’d wear it everywhere! And I’d probably post a pic on Facebook for my jellybook friends.

linguaphile's avatar

I wear mine randomly, everywhere, about once a month. I always wonder if I’ll run into another jelly this way.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@linguaphile Are you familiar with Blueroses? I think that lives in the state you now reside in.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I’d sleep in it!

augustlan's avatar

I have two, the older brown one and a newer navy one. I wear them all sorts of places. I really hate to dress up!

linguaphile's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer I love Blue!!! She’s nearby, I believe :D So are several other jellies but I’ve only met one.

Sunny2's avatar

I’d get an extra large one and use it for a night shirt. It could join my collection and would be welcomed right in.

erichw1504's avatar

At my funeral.

talljasperman's avatar

At home as soon as I open the package.

erichw1504's avatar

Is it possible for me to be born with it on?

gailcalled's avatar

I am, right this very minute, wearing the original brown one. I made a few alterations, lowering the neck line and adding side slits, in order to make it more suitable for my curvy body.

erichw1504's avatar

@gailcalled pics or it didn’t happen.


gailcalled's avatar

When my daughter returns from a little trip, we’ll try. Unfortunately, MIlo, for all his manual dexterity, refuses to cooperate, choosing instead to nap before lunch.

Judi's avatar

@gailcalled, don’t you have Facebook? There is always the classic facebook picture of the mirror pose. ~

gailcalled's avatar

I do, but rarely use it and am very busy until Tues.

And how can I take a picture without Milo in it? So that precludes using the timer. By the time I set it, corral him, and arrange us both artistically, it’s too late.

erichw1504's avatar

I’d wear it as pants.

augustlan's avatar

You can see Gail in her modified Fluther t-shirt on this blog post. :)

fluthernutter's avatar

I’d make it into a onesie!

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