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RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

IF... and only IF you are so inclined to thank a higher power for something, what would you thank it for?

Asked by RealEyesRealizeRealLies (30954points) October 11th, 2013

I would thank it for letting me see how shit moves around in an oil puddle. I find it fascinating, and I’m glad I got to see it.

If you are not inclined to thank a higher power for something, then please move along to the next question without tempting yourself to mock this one.


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24 Answers

Seek's avatar

Thank god I’m an atheist.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Being thankful for the simple things is good place to be regardless of what you believe in. Many don’t even notice or take pleasure in the small stuff. As for thanking a higher power I’m agnostic so I tend to just feel thankful without putting any ownership on it.

gailcalled's avatar

Right this minute (4:01 AM) pain meds and cats.

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mattbrowne's avatar

The opportunity for people to develop an attitude of gratitude which improves health and life expectancy as shown by scientists. Theists can thank God for that and atheists can thank the Universe or something else for that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My chilluns.

Neodarwinian's avatar

For not existing.

zenvelo's avatar

Another day and for giving me a hopeful attitude.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Family and my partner.

Sunny2's avatar

For my life.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I thank God for my mom and husband still being alive today. Mom was at ER again this morning and hubs at neurologist. (sigh)

talljasperman's avatar

Giving me as many second chances as I need.

LostInParadise's avatar

You do not have to be a believer to be thankful. I am grateful for my brief ride through this extraordinary world, even though I am certain that there is no life after this one.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I try and count my blessings as often as possible. Sometimes I will thank the God/higher power, I believe in and sometimes I will just acknowledge my blessings in my own mind.

Aster's avatar

If I can only name one thing I’d thank Him for just listening.

longgone's avatar

Right now…rice pudding with cinnamon.

Blondesjon's avatar

The ingenuity of beer and the blessing of marijuana.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How DID they figure out beer, anyway?

Blondesjon's avatar

it’s not important how they figured it out. what’s important is that they remembered it after they figured it out.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Dutchess_III They let honey & water sit and wild yeast made it “fun” It was later noted that this mysterious process of fermentation made water mixed with malted barley safe to drink when most water caused the three D’s (diarrhea, dehydration & death) Hops were added when it was also noted that they extended the shelf life of this magical concoction. A gallon or two of beer a day was not uncommon in in those times. At 2% alcohol or so it was not going to kill anyone either.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But it had to have been accidental at first. I wonder how that happened.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Just letting sugary liquid of any kind out long enough for wild yeast to ferment it is enough. My guess is that a container of honey water left out for a while was consumed.

mallei's avatar

Every day brings news—- I’m thankful to live to see another day of news.

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