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andrew's avatar

How can I get my cat to stop peeing in the same place?

Asked by andrew (16553points) October 22nd, 2006
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14 Answers

peggylou's avatar
You have to use a special cleaner that will erase the smell of the urine. Otherwise, they just keep going back, once they start.
maggiesmom1's avatar
b's avatar
Try sprinkling cayenne pepper in the spot. That's what my grandma did to keep the dogs off her rose bushes.
lily's avatar
a squirt gun works wonders.
dexter6782's avatar

i heard once that you squeeze fresh lemon juice where they do it and leave it. dont think cats like the scent of it. :)

suejester's avatar

As sad as this may sound, I moved litterbox to that spot. I know this may not work in all situations, but it’s an option

tonedef's avatar

I’ve heard that citrus scents, like @dexter suggested, work wonders. I’ve tried Feliway spray, but it seems to do nothing for my cats.

I have put a partially crinkled sheet of aluminum foil in the spot, and the cat won’t go near it. I’ve heard that the sound of it crinkling really tweaks their whiskers.

Also, you can put the cat’s food and water bowl there. I did that somewhere else in the house where the cat would habitually go number 2.

75movies's avatar

Put a rabid dog in that “same place”.

delirium's avatar

We used Feliway pheromone spray when one of the cats was doing that. It worked wonders.

Also, when cleaning up the urine, be sure not to use ammonia or bleach to do the cleanup because it just increases the likelihood of continued spraying.

oreo45's avatar

I have the same problem with a 15 year old nutered male indoor cat. the spot he has choose, is the best spot to do(other than the litter box) as it has no carpet. Im afraid if i do any of the above, he will just pee some place els , like the carpet. so, I have begun putting a towle there so I can at least wash it.

oreo45's avatar

I just found out why my cat is doing this…turns out he has gone into kidney failer,( commen in older cats). All I can do is make suer he has plenty water to drink, and keep cleaning up after him.

28lorelei's avatar

@oreo45, that so sad:(

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