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mazingerz88's avatar

What are the normal after effects of a flu-shot?

Asked by mazingerz88 (28953points) October 28th, 2018 from iPhone

Got a flu shot four days ago and been sneezing heavily and feeling…queasy.

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11 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Normally just a sore arm, maybe a little low energy, possibly a small grade fever.

canidmajor's avatar

I always feel just like that after a flu shot. For me, it lasts about a week. Feel better soon!

LuckyGuy's avatar

I get a sore arm for a day. That’s it. Easy!

zenvelo's avatar

A tendency to ascribe any small symptom of any discomfort at all to the flu shot.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@zenvelo ^ Yep. Even the 0.01% drop in my stock portfolio value on the day following the shot.

Aster's avatar

I think normally your arm becomes sore. Next you can get unrelenting shoulder pain and there’s a class action lawsuit for that. Lastly, I had a flu shot 32 years ago and was sick as a dog for a month ! Last flu shot for me; last case of flu.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I don’t even get a sore arm.

LadyMarissa's avatar

My left arm is paralyzed so I ALWAYS get my shot in that arm. Since it never moves, it’s never sore!!! I sometimes have NO after effects or occasionally I’ll run a low grade fever for a day or 2 afterward. I’ve been taking them for 30 years & the ONLY shot that “made me sick” was my very FIRST one. My doctor at the time recommended that I take 1 Aleve before going in for the shot & take another once I return home. That seems to help control the fever. The occasions where I’ve had a low grade fever were the ones where I neglected to take the 2 Aleves as recommended.

The other thing that I seem to remember is that they say that it can take up to 2 weeks for the shot to become effective & anything within those 2 weeks, you would have had whether or not you took the shot. Hence, your coughing & sneezing have NOTHING to do with the shot!!! The queasy might be psychosomatic because you expected to become sick.

Caravanfan's avatar

Your sneezing is unrelated to the flu shot.

canidmajor's avatar

@mazingerz88, your body works pretty hard to build up that immunity, if you were already exposed to a rhinovirus, you were probably more likely to have manifested, so the sneezing and stuff makes sense. I was immuno-compromised by cancer treatments a number of years ago, and I react badly to flu shots. My doctor posits that they make it that much easier for secondary infections to take hold during the “adjustment” period.

I hope you’re feeling better.

mazingerz88's avatar

@canidmajor Thank you. Aside from this extraordinary case of frequent sneezing for 3 days I also developed a sore and really itchy throat which led to coughs.

Seems it’s hard to be certain whether the shot had anything to do with it but the timing makes it suspect. Lol

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