General Question

AstroChuck's avatar

If you aren't preparing a turkey or a ham, what will you be enjoying this Thanksgiving?

Asked by AstroChuck (37659points) November 7th, 2008 from iPhone

Once again, it’s Tofurkey for me.
Also, I’ll be enjoying pumpkin soup, wild rice stuffing, apple-cranberry dumplings, amaretto yams, ravioli, cranberry sauce, and rolls. Pumpkin cheesecake will top everything off. God, I’m hungry!

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46 Answers

adri027's avatar

ahhh stop it!! Honey baked ham,mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, pumpkin pie with loads of whipped cream and umm…and I got to throw in some Mexican food maybe pozole or something (I hope)

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Tripe. And canned cranberries.

jasongarrett's avatar

I sure do like pumpkin pie with loads of whipped cream. And gravy and stuffing. Now I’m hungry too.

forestGeek's avatar

My friends and I always have huge open 100% vegan feast which includes Tofurkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, baked happy ham, soup and vegan pumpkin cheesecake.

@AstroChuck your dinner sounds delicious too, maybe I’ll stop by!

purephase's avatar

@forestGeek My girlfriend is vegan, that pumpkin cheesecake sounds wonderful. Is it homemade?

jasongarrett's avatar

What is happy ham?

forestGeek's avatar

@purephase – Yeah, my friend makes it. You can find good recipes online, but make sure it’s one that uses tofu and Toffutti cream cheese, not just just all tofu.

@jasongarrett – It’s Vegetarian Chicken Ham, called Happy Ham in the International District here in Seattle. So delicious cut into slices and baked with pineapple on top!!

DandyDear711's avatar

@astroChuck – Are you using the Tofurky Feast from the tofurky website? How many people does it serve? This is my first Thanksgiving as a pescatarian. I will cook a turkey but I am struggling whether to eat it or not… Thank, truly for anyone’s input! (PS I am not vegan… yet!)

berocky1's avatar

Glad to find other vegans! In idaho, veganism I pretty much shunned. But. I am eating tofurkey this is my first thanksgiving with out meat!

EmpressPixie's avatar

I usually roast a duck. It doesn’t take very long, but is delicious!!

This year I’m making a turkey with my boyfriend though, which will be less delicious. (I love, love, love duck.)

DandyDear711's avatar

So will someone please post the pumpkin cheese cake recipe please??!!

berocky1's avatar

@dandy I don’t enjoy tofurky brands gravy. I just get the normal one and then make my own gravy.

EmpressPixie's avatar

Dandy, the Cook’s Illustrated one? My bf makes that every year, I can get it from him.

DandyDear711's avatar

@empress – don’t know which recipe – the folks above were mentioning it. The idea sounds wonderful especially if it is low fat! (Doesn’t need to be vegan…)

forestGeek's avatar

@berocky1 – I agree, that gravy isn’t very good. I always make my own gravy too.

I think the Tofurkey feast serves 4–6 people depending on how many other dishes are served and how hungry everyone is.

berocky1's avatar

I am however donating the tofurkey feast tote schools food drive. That will be interesting.

DandyDear711's avatar

@berocky – so you just buy the tofurky roast and make your own gravy? As I can’t stand vegetable broth/stock, I have added back diluted FREE RANGE chicken broth. I suspect I can make a tolerable gravy.

Do you all have to pre-order your tofurky roast?

@forestGeek – maybe I can cut it in half, then. We will have 5 for dinner. I am sure my husband and daughter will try it but will eat turkey too. The two 15 YOs will turn up their noses!

DandyDear711's avatar

@berocky – huh? LOL!

berocky1's avatar

yeah. But use emerils vegtable broth. I think that one tastes better.

My school is having a food drive. And the last day you donate turkeys. I’m gonna donate a couple tofurkeys

DandyDear711's avatar

Thanks, BeRocky1! I will try emerils… That is wonderful that you are donating tofurkeys! Are you in college?

forestGeek's avatar

@DandyDear711 – the roast is smaller and probably serves 3–4. I’d go with that so you don’t have too much left over.

@berocky1 – Great idea donating Tofurkeys for the turkey drive!! haha, that will be intersting!

figbash's avatar

We usually have two main dishes; turkey and salmon!

tinyfaery's avatar

I’ll eat whatever someone else cooks; cooking and I don’t get along. My family’s holiday dinners always include frijoles de olla y arroz. I always look forward to that.

forestGeek's avatar

Warm soy eggnog and Makers Mark = yum

DandyDear711's avatar

@figbash – that is something we could do! I eat (and love) salmon!

simpleD's avatar

This will be my 18th turkey-free Thanksgiving. Tofurkey has been on the table most of those years. We also have it several times throughout the year, too. Their sandwich slices and sausages are awesome too.

It’s difficult to be vegetarian at a table of omnivores at a meat-centered holiday. You’re perceived as not only bucking an American tradition, but somehow as insulting or invalidating other cultural belief systems. Meat-eaters frequently become verbally offensive in discussions about vegetarianism. Avoid arguments. It’s a long journey of education and awareness that leads to enlightenment. You can’t expect others to understand that in a 10 minute conversation. Influence by example.

DandyDear711's avatar

@simpleD – you can say that again! (Avoid arguments. It’s a long journey of education and awareness that leads to enlightenment. You can’t expect others to understand that in a 10 minute conversation. Influence by example.)

No one understands my decision to give up meat and poultry! Sometimes I just want to wear a sign like – “deal with it” or “it is what it is”

AstroChuck's avatar

There are 4 vegs enjoying the tofurky roast. We generally have a little left over, but not much. So I would say one roast per four people. As for the pumpkin cheesecake recipe:
Step 1— Drive to Costco
Step 2— Buy pumpkin cheesecake
Step 3— Serve
Easy, huh?
And what’s wrong with the Tofurky “Giblet” gravy? I love it.

DandyDear711's avatar

I can follow that recipe, AstroChuck! Thanks! Re: Giblet gravy. I just think people are very picky about gravy… It has to be like the one they had as a kid!

Bri_L's avatar

Turky AND a ham

jlm11f's avatar

Chuckie, that’s 20 days away! i can’t think that far. But all this food talk is making me hungry.

bodyhead's avatar

I will be enjoying a day off. That is all. But God, will I be enjoying it.

paradesgoby's avatar

pumpkin bread, sweet potato souffle, & green bean casserole MMM

asmonet's avatar

The King of Birds

No, but really, I’ll probably eat something small with the family. There will be potatoes, and rice, and veggies, but other than that, we’ll find out about a day before we at it.

azul's avatar

Cranberry sauce (the canned gelatinous stuff that mysteriously and wonderfully does not contain gelatin), and whatever else I can find that’s vegan at the dining hall Thanksgiving meal.

…Maybe I should look into cooking something myself.

berocky1's avatar

@ dandy no I’m homeschooled. But we get to particpate in the high schools activities, it’s interesting.

shadling21's avatar

Thanksgiving, which occurred a couple weeks ago in Canada, used to always be able the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy for my family. Now that our family includes some other cultures, our potlucks have become more varied. Everyone enjoys having dozens of options for their food. I recently gained an uncle from Mexico who made authentic quesedillas. Notably, we had an Asian noodle dish introduced this year.

Out with the old, in with the new.

sdeutsch's avatar

I always make some kind of salmon for us non-turkey eaters at our feast. Usually I do some sort of marmalade or cranberry sauce glaze on top of it, sometimes crusted with some chopped nuts, and then bake it in the oven. The marmalade gets all warm and a little bit caramelized – I think it’s even better than turkey!

DandyDear711's avatar

I am convinced! Salmon instead of Tofurkey! Sorry AstroChuck…

AstroChuck's avatar

That’s okay. It’s not as if I get a commission from Tofurky sales.

DandyDear711's avatar

I do eat their Tofurky deli slices… :-P

asmonet's avatar

My Turducken kicks your Tofurkey’s ass, Chuck.

AstroChuck's avatar

Six legs and no shame.
I’ll stand by Tofurkin.

asmonet's avatar

You just can’t handle it. :)

berocky1's avatar

I <3 the tofurkey!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

next year i’m getting a tofurkey. i’ve never had one and i’ve been a vegetarian for about 5 years or so, and every thanksgiving i’m always sitting there miserably attempting to turn my cold mashed potatoes into art on my plate. sick of it,

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