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fundevogel's avatar

What do you think of the Human-Animal Hybrid Protection Act?

Asked by fundevogel (15511points) July 23rd, 2009

A pair of senators have written a bill that would criminalize human-animal hybrids. The bill references the potential of hybrids to blur what it means to be a human as well what it means to be a male, female, parent, child and even what it means to be an individual. However in attempting to protect us from vague terminology the bill also outlaws scientific use of research chimeras which show promise in improving the fields of organ transplant, drug testing and disease study. Not to mention criminalizing the very existence of every American werewolf, bigfoot, mermaid and minotaur alike.

Check out the bill here and the Wired article here.

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16 Answers

kenmc's avatar

An absurd waste of time, thought, and energy.

TheDeadWake's avatar

What then becomes of the mice that have ears growing on their backs? What of the freaky mice?

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I disagree with it. There is a huge shortfall in organ donation, and this gap can be effectively bridged with pig organs. There are appropriate tests in place to ensure species-specific pathogens are not transferred, and I can see no good reason to ban it. Senators typically know nothing of science.

Jack79's avatar

There go my hopes of getting those wing implants…:(

I actually knew of a man in Germany who implanted a horn on his head, an actual real horn…some guy in a bar thought it was fake (wonder why?) and ripped it off though.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Those senators don’t have a clue about biology nor science. It makes you wonder how they got where they are. Oh wait, I see one of them is from Kansas.

Meribast's avatar

Wow. Totally weird to even think about, that this is going on. The name sounded like a bizarre joke.

I know about the mice and I’m totally against that kind of weirdness. Using other animals as merely organ donors is to me no more ethical than using humans for the same.

The mammal brain is the emotional brain and feels pain/sadness. We may not be able to recognize it in every species but I suppose the more familiar you are with “happy” pig behavior, the more likely you will be to detect “unhappy” pig behavior.

A pig raised for transplants is likely to lead a very unnatural life=unhappy.

I hope that any who advocate for this kind of stuff learn first hand how it feels to be one of these animals via reincarnation.

dynamicduo's avatar

I think that there are far worse problems that these senators should be investigating and making bills for than human-animal hybrids.

ragingloli's avatar

it is pure populism. despicable.

filmfann's avatar

I am worried they are going to used this to try and stop some current medical proceedures, like growing an ear on the back of a mouse.

Phobia's avatar

Yeah, there are many more serious problems that need to be taken care of other than this. Some of it is still theoretical research and is in testing to see if it will be possible. Why ban something that could be beneficial?

@Meribast Then I take it you are also against most animal farms? Chickens are raised in cages, fish in man made small ponds, pigs in crowded pins, and all are killed before their life ends. Raising them for organ transplants is no more unnatural than raising them for food. In fact, I would see them as being taken care of even better. An organ would be much more valuable than a single chicken dieing before it makes it to the processing plant.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

More political nonsense from the people who should sacrifice their health care plan to our veterans. Politicians feed at the public trough, and all they can give us is a Bridge to Nowhere, a vice presidential candidate that can see Russia from her kitchen window, and this piece of crap? These assholes should stop trying to remove our freedoms and work at keeping them in place.

Feh, these people make me sick. Who keeps electing these assholes, anyway?

Phobia's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra That would be the American public, or so they say. It seems we only get choices of a few “evils” and we are stuck choosing the lesser of them.

Darwin's avatar

Darn! Now what am I going to do with my mermaids? They depend on me to represent them on land but if this passes I can’t.

Allie's avatar

Can we say Animorphs? Only.. well.. permanent.

Ivan's avatar


El_Cadejo's avatar

@Allie thanks for the nostalgia flashback :P

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