Social Question

Anon_Jihad's avatar

Why isn't the Double Quarter Pounder just called the Half Pounder?

Asked by Anon_Jihad (1585points) December 19th, 2009

I’ve wondered this for years, the question coming upon me while perhaps a bit too high, going through the drive-through ordering a few of the said sandwiches to fight one of the most brutal munchies attack I’ve ever had to combat. Since I’ve humorously pondered it whenever reminded, often asking friends while in line Mickey D’s.

But I am honestly wondering. Especially now in a time of recession, they’re cutting corners where they can, hell they removed a goddamn piece of cheese from the double cheeseburger! You think to save some pennies on advertisement they’d cut it shorter, saving sign space etc. A lot of companies have simplified their logos and product designs(Mountain Dew is a big example) in what I believe is an attempt to let consumers know that they’re hurting as well, and going with more simplistic advertisements.

So what gives? Why does McDonald’s still have this pointlessly long sandwich name attached to their product? Any opinions Flutherverse?

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18 Answers

rangerr's avatar

It sounds better.

MrBr00ks's avatar

because the half pounder has a gluttonous ring to it?

Mavericksjustdoinganotherflyby's avatar

I guess they could just go with “The 8oz.”

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Because the double quarter pounder consists of two ¼ lb. patties, as opposed to the single quarter pounder, which is one ¼ lb. pattie.

Corporate_Avenger's avatar

It’s all in the marketing. The America people have been bred and trained to respond subconsciously to the idea that they are getting two of something rather than on just one of another…even if they balance out to be the same thing in the end.

Hmmmm, I could get the Half Pounder, but I’m hungry, so I’m going for the Double Quarter Pounder with cheese because I’m an American, and by God, I’m entitled to the extra fat, calories, grease, cholesterol, toxins, flatulence and the eventual diabetes brought on by my obesity because I’m a fat-ass who doesn’t know when to just fucking stop. ~As God Bless America plays in the background~

Cruiser's avatar

Pure basic marketing 101!! Would you rather have twice as much of something or a ½ of something even though the amounts are the same?

Booknight's avatar

I think most people equate the word ‘double’ with ‘more’. The same weight but by using the word ‘double’ I bet they sell more double quarter pounders then half pounders.

Corporate_Avenger's avatar

@Booknight @Cruiser – Isn’t that what I just said? ~Phucking Johnny Come Lately posers~

Cruiser's avatar

@Corporate_Avenger NO!! Don’t flatter yourself so….You Said…

It’s all in the marketing. The America people have been bred and trained to respond subconsciously to the idea that they are getting two of something rather than on just one of another…even if they balance out to be the same thing in the end.

Hmmmm, I could get the Half Pounder, but I’m hungry, so I’m going for the Double Quarter Pounder with cheese because I’m an American, and by God, I’m entitled to the extra fat, calories, grease, cholesterol, toxins, flatulence and the eventual diabetes brought on by my obesity because I’m a fat-ass who doesn’t know when to just fucking stop. ~As God Bless America plays in the background~

and I said…

It’s all in the marketing. The America people have been bred and trained to respond subconsciously to the idea that they are getting two of something rather than on just one of another…even if they balance out to be the same thing in the end.

Hmmmm, I could get the Half Pounder, but I’m hungry, so I’m going for the Double Quarter Pounder with cheese because I’m an American, and by God, I’m entitled to the extra fat, calories, grease, cholesterol, toxins, flatulence and the eventual diabetes brought on by my obesity because I’m a fat-ass who doesn’t know when to just fucking stop. ~As Star Spangled Banner plays in background~

Corporate_Avenger's avatar

@Cruiser – LOL…God you’re a douche.

Cruiser's avatar

@Corporate_Avenger That’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me today!! Is this some sort of trick??

filmfann's avatar

Don’t think of Double Quarter Pounder as a measurement. Think of it as a name, like Whopper.
People are comfortable with the Whopper, so they are more likely to order a double Whopper.
I’m just sad they didn’t call it a Double Royale with Cheese.

Zaku's avatar

To confuse you and get you to think about it for years, and talk about their brand name and get other people talking and thinking about it. Oh crud, it worked… ;-P

Booknight's avatar

@Corporate_Avenger Please excuse the fact that I type slowly and didn’t get my answer in before you. Boo hoo I’m broken hearted. I would say great minds think a like…. but not in this case

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

For the same reason they don’t make something cost $3… they make it cost $2.99…

UScitizen's avatar

Because the people in marketing are from the moon.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Fact from fiction, truth from diction. The Double Quarter Pounder sounds more sexy and it sounds larger. When you think of the Quater Pounder as big, doubling it makes it seem twice as big. Like the Big Gulp, they could have just called it the Quart Cup. Part of the trick to sould larger without making the person fill guilty by being greedy.

kritiper's avatar

Because there are two ¼ lb. patties instead of one ½ lb. patty. Truth in advertising.

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