Social Question

troubleinharlem's avatar

(nsfw) Why is a vagina called a 'pussy'?

Asked by troubleinharlem (7999points) August 27th, 2010

Hopefully this doesn’t get modded… I just am curious to know why. I mean, why isn’t it called a puppy, or a duckling?

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8 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

Pussy as a slang term for the female pudenda is thought to derive ultimately from Low German puse “vulva” or Old Norse puss “pocket, pouch”. It didn’t arise in English with a sexual meaning until the 19th century, but prior to that it had been used to refer to women in general (16th century).


rebbel's avatar

I wouldn’t be surprised, considering all the shaven vaginas we see in present day adult movies, that in some years we’ll call it Sphynx.

MissAnthrope's avatar

OMG, ‘pocket pouch’—I am dying, ahahahahaha.

Never made a lot of sense to me and GQ for asking what I’ve always wondered. The only thing I could think is the correlation between petting and, erm, purring.

ETpro's avatar

I would guess that @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard has the derivation right. I tried the which often gives the derivation of such slang, but they didn’t provide any clue how this one came into common usage. They did, however provide a clever definition of how the meaning changes as each of us gain savoire faire:

Definition 4: Pussy.
1. Obvious to anyone over 1 year old
because they want to pet it

2. Obvious to anyone over 8 years old
because they want to make fun of them

3. Obvious to anyone over 12 years old because they want to make fun of it, but also stare at it, pet it, put stuff in it etc.

1. 5 year old: I want my own pussy cat

2. 10 year old: Stop being a pussy

3. 18 year old: Wear this shirt to the club, you`ll get finer pussy than you thought exists :

plethora's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard @ETpro Well, fellas, thanks for the erudite rendition of a less than intellectual topic. My thoughts just turn to the gutter.

Zyx's avatar

It’s called a pussy because VAGINA is not a good word.

sakura's avatar

mmmm maybe someone should start a new thread unusual names given to sexual parts…I’ll try it!

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