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Your_Majesty's avatar

Is it possible for me to steal a dog's loyalty?

Asked by Your_Majesty (8235points) October 7th, 2010

OK folks here’s the problem: My grandma’s that lived with my other family have decided to move to another place where it’s impossible for them to keep a dog so she gave me this Pomeranian dog (I took him since it has been a long time since I own a dog and my grandma will give it to other people if I didn’t want to adopt him) that have been living with them for years (probably 6 years),they bought that dog while he was still puppy from a pet shop.

So now the dog is in my house,it has been about 3 weeks and I’ve tried to befriend him as much as I could but he seems so disoriented and he often ignores me. I have my experience when I live in my grandma house with this dog,he’s a good dog and will accept any kind of communication with me but I feel that he gives me ‘secondary or third class service’ and he gives my grandma and other member of this resident the ‘first class service’ when he responds to their presence. I know it makes me feel jealous about it.

He’s in my house now,well taken care,got his own territory (at least away from my cats),and have already got his medical check up. So how could I get his affection like the way he gave his ex-owner?

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18 Answers

BoBo1946's avatar

Love…and spend time with him! Takes time and patience, but bonding should be lots of fun for both of you.

Loried2008's avatar

Show him lots of love and be patient. It’s like a relationship, it’ll take time for him to come around. Treat him much like you would someone you’ve known a long time but are getting to know better.

perg's avatar

Three weeks is not that long. The dog is still adjusting and trying to get used to its new home. I adopted my dog when she was six and she was friendly to me, but it took her a while to really come out of her shell. Now she is incredibly affectionate and happy. As the folks above said, be patient and give it time.

tedd's avatar

Sleep with him in your room and on your bed if you’re alright with that. Take him for walks. Give him treats (at appropriate times). Get his attention by just randomly coming up and playing with him. If he has a favorite toy then play with him using it.

All of those will build his attachment to you.

bippee's avatar

The dog needs time to adjust. Three weeks isn’t that long since his whole world was turned upside down and not only does he have a new home, bed, cat roommates and human but he is missing his former home, bed, and human. Dogs are resilient, so he will come around, but he was used to grandma, and misses her. Play with him and snuggle often and he will return the love. Hang in there.

partyparty's avatar

Just be patient. The dog must be confused right now, and waiting for its previous owner. Praise the dog, give it lots of love and affection, stroke it, and reassure it.
Eventually it will get to know you and give you back 1000,000 fold love and affection.
Patience is the key

deni's avatar

He’ll warm up to you. Just give it time. What’s he gonna do, hold a grudge forever and be miserable and not ever let you play with him? Nah…just be patient, he’s probably bummed that his mummy is gone.

Judi's avatar

It sounds like you’re letting HIM be the pack leader instead of you. You need to stop worrying about his feelings so much and start worrying about asserting your authority. Watch an episode of “The Dog Whisperer” or get one of Cesar’s books. You and the dog will both be happier once he is confidant that you are in charge.

Aster's avatar

What @BoBo1946 said and sleep with him. If not in the bed then in the room.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Yes, it is possible. A friend had a dog, and they adored each other. When she went off to college, she couldn’t keep him, so she gave him to one of our relatives. Within time, they became inseparable, and the friend let the woman keep the dog after she graduated.

Like all of the others have said, give your dog time to adjust and lots of attention.

anartist's avatar

You’ll make it, if you want a loving relationship with him. :-)

camertron's avatar

Imagine if you were taken from your home and transplanted in the middle of a completely different environment, one where you can’t speak the language and everything looks unfamiliar. For dogs, constantly unfamiliar smells are like an unknown language, and even the place your dog used to sleep is different. It always takes me a few weeks to settle into a strange place, and a lot of younger kids deal with homesickness when they visit strange places, especially when they go without their parents. I’d say his behavior is normal. He gives his original owner “first-class service” because she is someone he remembers from his old, comfortable, familiar life. Just give him time and love – he’ll come around in no time.

downtide's avatar

Lots of love, but also discipline is very important. Dogs don’t think like people; discipline is how they determine their place in the pack, and it is very important to establish yourself as superior in rank to the dog. The dog will then respect and love you all the more (and as an added bonus, will also be obedient).

Some tips:
If the dog jumps up on the furniture of its own will, shove it off and say no. When it stops trying to get up, wait a bit longer, then allow it up (assuming you don’t want to keep the dog off the furniture completely).

Feed yourself and the family first. feed the dog afterwards, when everyone else is done. Don’t let the dog eat til you give it permission.

When going through a doorway you go first, the dog should follow behind.

When the dog is clamouring for attention stand up, fold your arms and turn your back until it stops. It’ll stop.

If the dog does something you don’t want it to do, say no firmly, pick it up and move it away.

Good luck!

flutherother's avatar

Get into a regular routine with the dog, regular walks and regular mealtimes. Throw the occasional stick or ball. It’ll be fine.

BoBo1946's avatar

@Aster yeah, Sadie sleeps with me almost everynite! Sometimes, she like to sleep elsewhere…which is fine, she is the “Queen of House,” she does what she wishes!

YARNLADY's avatar

It happened to me. My neighbor’s dog kept running away from them and coming to my house because I am home all day. He got lonely in their house with everyone gone to work and school. Eventually, they gave him to me because he simply would not stay in their yard.

If your dog was used to having some one with him all day long, and now he doesn’t, he is probably very scared.

Your_Majesty's avatar

@All Thank you so much for all your advices! When I got a pet I usually got it in its young ages so it’s easier for me to bond with it and I’ve never own a pet that has already bonded with other people. I think should be more patient and keep doing my best.

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